The Highest ATM of the World


Do you know the location of the Highest ATM in the World? The world's highest ATM is situated near the Khunjrab Pass Pak-China border in the Gilgit-Baltistan province of Pakistan.

This ATM is located at an elevation of 16,007 Feet above sea level at the Pakistan-China border Khunjrab. The ATM is installed by the National Bank of Pakistan to meet the demand of travelers and visitors.

New Technology has aligned itself with the demands of customers and this is the best example of Telecom and banking services merger and commitment to excellence. No doubt this is not only the best customer care at the elevation of 16,007 feet above sea level but also meets the demands of the 21st century where ever the customer goes. This ATM is offering the services of cash withdrawal and balance checks.

In spite of some costs and other problems, ATMs are still considered to be a remarkable invention and facility for financial and banking services. The importance of ATM service can't be overlooked in the fast-moving era. In case of any emergency requirement of financial processing, you can feel the importance of an ATM whether you are in the center of the city or in the mall. 

But it looks more than amazing when you are traveling at the peaks of higher mountains, with minus temperature and glaciers covering you from all directions and suddenly you see an ATM, of course, this is not more than a miracle. 

But this miracle is a fact which exists when you are traveling on Karakoram highway and when near to cross the Pak-China border at Khunjrab Pass at the elevation of 16,007 feet you will find an ATM and you can check your balance and withdraw your cash there.

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