Status and Procedure of Ijma in Islamic Legislation In the light of modern knowledge by Professor Muhammad Saeed

The book "Staus and Procedure of Ijma in Islamic Legislation In the light of modern knowledge" was written by his highness Professor Muhammad Saeed Rtd principal of Government Degree college Oghi.
The book was his M.Phl Thesis in 1993 and is now published in October 2022 by the constant struggle of his highness Professor Dr. Habib ur Rahman Sharia Academy Islamabad.
It is an Urdu book on  اسلامی قانون سازی میں اجماع کی حیثیت اور طریقِ کار معاصر اہل علم کی آرا کی روشنی میں .

Status and Procedure of Ijma in Islamic Legislation In the light of modern knowledge by professor Muhammad Saeed Sb Oghi
Status and Procedure of Ijma in Islamic Legislation
In the light of modern knowledge by Professor Muhammad Saeed Sb Oghi

The book's Cover Page:

اسلامی قانون سازی میں اجماع کی حیثیت اور طریقِ کار معاصر اہل علم کی آرا کی روشنی میں . پرفیسر محمد سعید اوگی
 اسلامی قانون سازی میں 
اجماع کی حیثیت اور طریقِ کار
 معاصر اہل علم کی آرا کی روشنی میں .
The Book's back cover page:

Status and Procedure of Ijma in Islamic Legislation In the light of modern knowledge by Professor Muhammad Saeed Sb Oghi Mansehra
Status and Procedure of
Ijma in Islamic Legislation
In light of modern knowledge

In this book, important and very beneficial topics have been presented by the author. Which leads to understanding the different aspects of the theme.
The book is comprised of 307 pages beautifully managed by six deep chapters ابواب. Which have been further briefed by different sub-topics with thorough arguments presented in the light of the Quran, Hadees, and knowledge from other historical authors and modern knowledge to prove the authenticity of this topic.

The book started from page no nine with the appreciation of his highness professor  Dr. Syed Azkia Hashmi Chairman Islamic and Religious Studies department, Dean Faculty of Law and Social sciences Hazara University Dhodial Mansehara.

Professor Muhammad Saeed has attributed this beautiful book to his beloved father Ustaz ul Ulama Hazrat Molana Abdul Rahim رحمتہ اللہ علیہ. He was also a great scholar and religious leader of Tanawal valley during the formerly princely Amb state. He was an Islamic teacher in his Madrassa at Naryala a small village of Tanawal valley UC Shergarh.
The author writes that his connection and commitment to Islamic and religious sciences is a reward to Allah for the hard work and dedication of his father's religious services for mankind.

On page fifteen author added the expression of Thanks اظہار تشکر to Professor Dr, Habib ur Rehman Sharia Academy Islamabad for his dedication and persistence to assist the publication of the book in hard copy.

The book is starting from page no 17 by adding the Introduction of his topic and arguments to the 'necessities of Ijma and its role in Islamic legislation.'

He says 'Islam is a universal and complete religion. Which provides means of guidance to mankind in all aspects of life. He added the verse of Surah Alameda (5:3) from Holy Quran.
"اَ لۡيَوۡمَ اَكۡمَلۡتُ لَـكُمۡ دِيۡنَكُمۡ وَاَ تۡمَمۡتُ عَلَيۡكُمۡ نِعۡمَتِىۡ وَرَضِيۡتُ لَـكُمُ الۡاِسۡلَامَ دِيۡنًا‌ ؕ 

"This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favor unto you, and have chosen for you as religion AL-ISLAM". آج میں نے تمہارے لئے تمہارا دین  مکمل کر دیا ہے اور تم پر اپنی نعمت پوری کردی ہے۔ اور دین اسلام کو تمہارے لئے پسندیدہ دین بنا دیا ہے

Completion of religion does not mean that religion has become stagnant and has no ability to face future problems.  The completeness of religion means that it is such a perfect religion, which has the ability to guide man in every age and in every situation. There is no guiding force in the era. This honor belongs to Islam alone which guided humanity in all ages and will continue to do so.

Human needs, expediencies, new situations, and problems are so vast that the Qur'anic principles and generalities and the interpretations of the Holy Prophet () are devoid of mention of these modern and contemporary problems, despite being comprehensive in their place. Needs and expediencies appear first, then there is a need for thoughtfulness and consideration. 

In order to protect the lasting status of Islamic Shari'ah, it is important that there is a situation that finds solutions to new problems and adapts them according to the Qur'an and Sunnah and makes them workable for the society, otherwise, the people will be treated as they are. They say that there will be a firm belief that Islam is incapable of providing solutions to the problems of modern times, and this will give non-Muslims an opportunity to criticize the sustainability of Islam. Apart from the Qur'an and Sunnah, the basic sources for this task are the well-known Ijma and Qiyas.

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